Perak River Hydro Football Team

In the early 1926 Perak River Hydro-Electric Power Company Limited was registered in London, United Kingdom. Later it became the main company that supplied electricity in Kinta Valley area in Perak through hydro-electric energy. It was handed over to Central Electrical Board in 1982. Apart from supplying electricity, it also has an active football team known as Perak River Hydro Football Team. It played in local league and after the handed over to Central Electrical Board, all the players of Perak River Hydro Football Team joined the Kilat Club under Central Electrical Board. Below are two heritage photos of Perak River Hydro Football Team:-

Perak River Hydro of Kampar football team matches between the married against the bachelor in 1965.

Perak River Hydro youngsters football team vs Sitiawan youngsters football team in 1969. Perak River Hydro lost 3-4 in this match.


  1. I still remember watching them play in the local Ipoh league at the Jalan Abdul Jalil padang Greentown in Ipoh in the late 1970s. They were quite good.

  2. Do you remember a player known as Muthuraman

    1. The only person that I could remember is the stout Indian man that wears black plastic rim glasses. No idea what his name was.


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